

Philosophical has been referenced in numerous books and periodicals and recognized as a key resource by various academic institutions. Among them:


William Bellinger, The Economic Analysis of Public Policy

Isabel Borrás, Adult Learning for Self and Relational Growth

Mark Bowen, The Telescope in the Ice

Michael Bruce, et al., Bad Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Fallacies in Western Philosophy

Christopher Butynskyi, The Inklings, The Victorians, and The Moderns

William Dembski, Being as Communion: A Metaphysics of Information

Shelley Evans, Yogaha: Quest of the Conscious Field

Rod Garner, How To Be Wise: Growing in Discernment and Love

Andrew Glikson, From Stars to Brains

Darrell Hall, How Science Has Discovered God: Physics, Metaphysics and Beyond.

Clem Henricson, Morality and Public Policy

William Irwin, Black Sabbath and Philosophy: Mastering Reality

James Kennedy, The Presence of a Hidden God

Derrick de Kerckhove, McLuhan Neu Lesen

Derrick de Kerckhove and Cristina Miranda Almeida, eds. The Point of Being

Thomas Klikauer, Media Capitalism: Hegemony in the Age of Mass Deception

Homayoon Kord, George C. Thornton III, Gray Behaviors after Logical Fallacies in Public and Professional Communication

Dean Kowalski, Classic Questions and Contemporary Film

Al Kresta, Dangers to the Faith

Douglas Kruger, Political Correctness Does More Harm Than Good

David Martin Lavigne, Gaining Ground

Graham Little, The Origin of Consciousness

Art Mitchell, Grateful, Not Dead

Anna H. Perrault et al., Information Resources in the Humanities and the Arts

Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman, Rebecca Jackson, Robert Pressman, The Learning Habit: A Groundbreaking Approach to Homework and Parenting

Richard Rohr, Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps

Ami Rokach & Ami Sha’ked, eds. Addressing Loneliness

Carlotta Maria Shinn-Russell, I Lived on the Other Side of the Line

Gabriel Rodriguez Silvero, Carmen & Fausto

James W. Sire, The Universe Next Door

Spyros Tzafestas, Systems, Cybernetics, Control, and Automation

Gretta Vosper, Amen: What Prayer Can Mean in a World Beyond Belief

Steven Wallech, China and the West to 1600

Evan Whitton, Our Corrupt Legal System

James Williams, Stand Out of Our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy

Peter S. Williams, C.S. Lewis vs. The New Atheists

Sue Wright, The Temporal Dimension in Counselling and Psychotherapy

Scholarly Papers

Joseph Aggasi, "On the Reliability of Science: The Critical Rationalist Version," Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 2011.

Charles Cosson, “Privacy and Moral Hazard,” Stanford University Law School website, 2018.

Lucas D. Eggert, "Existential Moods in Human Existence".

G. Thomas Goodnight, “Dissensus and Emancipation: Blind Spots, Moral Hazards, Wounded Narratives,”, 2017.

Viktor I. Polishchuk et al., “On the Idea of True Philosophy,” Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, 2017.

Abram Trosky, et. al., “Justification, Overview,” Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology, 2014.


Aspen Institute, Baylor University, Cambridge University, City College of New York, Electronic Frontiers Australia, European Graduate School, George Mason University, National Social Science Press, Gloucestershire Philosophical Society, Heinrich Heine University, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Ohio State Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, University of Florida, University of Massachusetts, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, University of Winchester, Willamette University

Periodicals & Media

Adbusters, The American Conservative, Discover Magazine, Fictional Writers Review, The Guardian, Los Angeles Magazine, MediaPost Publications, Medpage Today, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Philosophy Now, Philosophy Talk, Reason, Richmond Journal of Law and Technology, The Washington Post


In August 2009 Philosophical made Wired Magazine's "Hottest Web Links" list. It also made TweetMeme's "Hottest Links on Twitter."

Several of the site's articles have turned up on college course syllabi in the fields of philosophy, media studies, rhetoric, and logic. For instance, the article Santayana's Criticism of Nietzsche was put on the syllabus for a politics and philosophy seminar at Cambridge University, and Logical Fallacies was made required reading for a rhetoric class at the University of Notre Dame. Other articles used in university classrooms include Making Sense of MeWorld, McLuhan's Insight into the Media, and Philosophy and Depression.

In 2012 Philosophical made Cambridge University's "Ideas for Wider Reading" list, a selection of reading resources gathered from Cambridge departmental and College websites.

In 2013 the website inspired a meetup group in Berkeley, CA to ponder the status of celebrity and fame in modern life, and caught the eye of numerous writers, educators, and websites, including TED and Pinterest.

In 2014 a restaurant called “The Gadarene Swine” opened in Los Angeles. The eatery got its name from The Gadarene Swine Fallacy and earned a write-up in Los Angeles Magazine.

The group Electronic Frontiers presented a paper to the Parliament of Australia in 2015 defending privacy rights. One of its sources is On the Value of Privacy.

The book Addressing Loneliness, part of Routledge’s “Researching Social Psychology” series, hit bookshelves in the summer of 2015. One of the contributors to the volume, Dr. Paul T.P. Wong, calls attention to “An Existential View of Loneliness” in his piece. Dr. Wong has held professorial positions at York University, the University of Toronto, and Trent University.

Philosophical has been referenced over a hundred times on Twitter in recent years, winning mentions by investor Mario Gabelli and Jordan Peterson, among others.

Philosophical has attracted the attention of many of the world's elite institutions, including Cambridge University, the Aspen Institute, and the European Graduate School.

The website has been mentioned in Discover Magazine, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Magazine, Philosophy Now, Reason, and other publications.

The site has been referenced in 37 books and in numerous scholarly articles and papers. It has also been indexed on Google Scholar.

Philosophical has been online since April 2001. It has inspired the work of numerous writers, artists, and teachers.